press release: relying on hietc turkey branch to focus on developing photovoltaic business in eastern europe, middle east, and united states-乐橙官网

press release: relying on hietc turkey branch to focus on developing photovoltaic business in eastern europe, middle east, and united states

issuing time:2020-09-30 11:38

recently, hietc, relying on its turkish branch, has strengthened its cooperation with the large-scale central enterprise china power investment power engineering co., ltd., seeking a new blue ocean in the energy photovoltaic project, focusing on developing photovoltaic business in eastern europe and the middle east. hubei economic cooperation turkey branch radiates photovoltaic and power projects in the turkish market, radiates the entire european and american ‘s a very competitive choice for european customers who need inventory and local after-sales service. this is a model for hubei economic cooperation to fully adapt to changes in domestic and foreign situations, give full play to resources and industrial advantages, and seize new opportunities with new models. our company and china power investment corporation signed a cooperation framework agreement in istanbul, turkey, bringing great advantages to the joint development of the photovoltaic markets in eastern europe, the middle east and the united states.according to the turkish news agency on august 17, according to data from the ministry of energy and natural resources of turkey, in the first seven months of 2020, 62.08% of turkey's electricity comes from local and renewable energy sources. this shows that our company has great potential to enter the turkish photovoltaic market. turkey is located in the juncture of asia and europe, and is a regional power with an important strategic position for the development of the west asia and middle east markets. for example, poland and ukraine are located in eastern europe, which are near the sea and are rich in solar energy resources; the croatian government, which attaches importance to the development and utilization of solar energy, and pakistan and other west asian countries.cpi power engineering co., ltd., as a large central enterprise, has many businesses such as power transmission, power supply, import and export. the two parties will take this project as the basis to take root in the photovoltaic power market in eastern europe and expand the photovoltaic power plant business globally. hubei economic cooperation international business department will continue to actively pay attention to eastern europe, the middle east, and the united states market, face difficulties, seize opportunities, and open up new prospects for the company's development in eastern europe, the middle east, the united states and other foreign markets.
